SmartPan System


Stu Ginter – Niverville, MB, Canada
When using the Bushel Plus O-Grate Concave, we experienced cleaner a sample, less loss at higher ground speed, and less cracks with less fuel consumption.

We recently had the opportunity to put the Bushel Plus O-Grate Concave to the test in a X9 1100 side by side comparison, and we were thoroughly impressed with its performance across both soybeans and corn. Soybeans:The O-Grates delivered exactly as promised! The cleaner sample and reduced loss at an increased ground speeds were noticeable…
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Shawn Helmuth – Moorefield ON, Canada
Farmer using the Bushel Plus SmartPan System to manage harvest losses

The drop pan is a real eye opener with 2 combines running in the field, we use to check for loss the “old fashion way” by kicking at the ground behind the combine. We run 2 combine and it was amazing to see that the case 7230 was set very well and had minimal loss…

Jeremiah Rhynes – Sidney, Montana USA
Farmer operating MAD Concaves in John Deere S790 combines

I don’t know how much you guys saved me, but these were the cleanest samples and the losses seemed to go down without overloading sieves. I’ll surely recommend these to anyone I talk to.

Ryan Doctor – North Platte, Nebraska USA
Farmer and Titan Machinery Parts Manager operating MAD Concaves (O-Grates) in soybeans in a Case IH 7120 combine

“I was really impressed with the cleanlinessof the sample, and the limited grain loss exceeded my expectations. Overall, I’mextremely satisfied with the performance.”

Terry Dabbs – Arkansas, USA
Farmer operating MAD Concaves (O-Grates) in corn in a John Deere S780 combine

“I first saw it at a farm show and the frames that go in whereyou can take the inserts in and out was the first thing thatcaught my attention. We’re showing less loss out the back ofthe combine which is what we were looking for.”
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Matt Mork – Dawson, Minnesota USA
Farmer operating O-Grate MAD Concaves in corn with a Case IH 8240 combine

“We think they’re great. We were trying round bars, andthen we went to MAD Concaves. We had a lot less cobs inthe grain tank and looks like losses were great in the field,so we like them.”
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Amanda Kopp
MAD Concaves operator - North Dakota, USA

We raise wheat, canola, flax, soybeans and sunflowers. The factory concaves on my New Holland combines were large and heavy which meant for me to change them, I had to find one or two other people to help, and the process took over an hour for each machine. With the Bushel Plus MAD Concaves, I…
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Travis Hughes
O-Grate MAD Concave operator - South Dakota, USA

We demo’d a set of O-Grates in an X9 this fall in both soybeans and corn. We found it noticeably easier to get a high-quality sample than with competitive concaves and picked up ground speed while achieving near zero yield loss. Amazing! We now have MAD Concaves in all our machines. 

Heath Feiok
O-Grate MAD Concave operator - Platte, South Dakota

Really clean sample. Was able to run our John Deere S780 combine to full engine load with 45-foot head in beans. Not common.

Brent Fast
Turtle Lake, ND

We love them! They are a lot lighter and easier to deal with than the stock concaves, they’re amazing.

Jeff Ellwein
Hazen, ND

Love em, absolutely love em, people ask about them and I’d do it again in a heart beat.

Eric Evanson
Coleharbor, ND

They are excellent, super quick to change between crops, they do a better job than factory ones. I brag about them to everybody.

 Daniel Erickstad
Webster, ND

We all like them, I bought a set, my neighbors, we really like them a lot! We like the small grain concaves, the fingers. Easy for us old guys to change in and out. My fingers were clogging up, Murray told me to switch them around, and that worked great.


 I saw Bushel Plus put over $100/acre back into a grower’s pocket after using the Bushel Plus SmartPan system. The grower was shocked when he realized how much grain he was throwing out the back of the combine. We made the appropriate adjustments and were much more profitable for the rest of harvest.

Manfred Gross
Fort Vermilion, AB

The entire set has paid for itself many times over and saved us a lot of money and time!

Jeff Smith
Crop Consultant, Choiceland, SK

Very accurate and easy to use. Combine losses varied from 0.4bu to 9bu/ac. The easiest way I have improved a farmers bottom line.

Melissa Damiani
Agronomist and Farmer Rimbey, AB

It’s so easy to use even my kids can do it!

Dan Jan Farms
Elm Creek, MB

The set comes with all the tools needed for the task. From measurement, cleaning to calculating. We saved 1 to 3 bu/ac, that´s 11 to$33/ac! Well worth the product cost and the few minutes it takes to test harvest losses!

Daniel Labossiere
NH Product Specialist Mazergroup, NA

This system makes my job a whole lot simpler, not to mention safer and cleaner. Able to use it on multiple combines and get immediate results. The covered design I see as a must for sample integrity.
