…Look familiar? Until now, this is probably exactly what the field looks like after you’ve checked for a moisture sample. Perhaps it was good news, but perhaps the crop wasn’t ready. Now you’re heading miles down the road with the combine to check another field. Is that one ready? Maybe not. How much fuel, time and people power are wasted in this process? With the Bushel Plus MiniCombine™, none of these wasted operational costs are necessary.
The MiniCombine is a compact, easily transportable, battery-operated tool that quickly collects a crop sample in minutes! The carrier case fits in your truck and can be transported from field to field and operated safely by one person.
Click here to watch a short YouTube video about how it works!
Wasted Time, Wasted Money, and an Unnecessary Environmental Impact
+1 combine with header
+ 1 tractor/truck + trailer
+ 1 vehicle to pull header wagon
+ 3 drivers
= 13.2 gal/h of fuel consumed + 3 people mobilized for a larger sample than necessary that may end up in the ditch if it’s not ready.
Cost? Safety? Wasted time and energy? and now you have half a grain tank full of wet grain.
With diesel at $3.433/gal and oil at over $80 USD a barrel, the MiniCombine is a safe and cost-effective solution for many farm operations.
FAST Collection, FAST ROI with the MiniCombine
Considering the operational costs mentioned above, let’s turn this into a real scenario example:
1. Fuel moving the combine, vehicle with header wagon, and tractor/truck with a trailer between fields all season to collect a small sample.
13.2 gal/hr in fuel X $3.433/gal X 12 hours per season = $543.79
2. Combine depreciation could be anywhere from $150-300/hr over the first 5 years. These are hours not spent harvesting at full capacity.
$250 X 12 hours per season = $3,000
3. Labor to have 3 drivers collecting a small sample – two with specialized training or licenses.
4. Harvest the best fields first, saving grain quality and spending less dangerous time on the road with large machinery.
The cost savings potential is over $3,500 per season, which means The MiniCombine more than pays for itself within in year one – during the first few days of use!
Contact us for specific local pricing information.
Real Farmers, Real MiniCombine Success Stories
These North American Farmers/Custom Harvesters leave their big combine in the shop and check for crop moisture using the MiniCombine. Here’s what they love about it.
Ron – Canadian Farmer (Kipling, Sk)
Mike Van Driesten, Custom Harvester operating across the Midwest USA
Leonard Wayne, Canadian Farmer

Focus your time and your team on taking the combine out only when the crop is ready for harvest, maximizing operational efficiency.